Well, the truth is that I have never considered if I prefer to go to the past or the future, but thinking about this, I think I prefer to go to the future. It is interesting to think about how things will be later on.

I feel it is fascinating to think about what life will be, because today technological advances happen more frequently. Discover how today’s problems will develop in the future, such as the environmental problem, or conflicts between different countries.

¿How will our lives be in 2057? If 10 years ago there were not massively smartphones, imagine how things will change in forty years. Perhaps everything will be as in Black Mirror, a dystopia, or maybe things are better than now. It may even be that in the future humans no longer exist, or live in another planet. But surely there will be many things that we can not imagine today.

Traveling to the past can also be very interesting, discover ancient worlds, civilizations, places, history. I don’t know what moment of the past I would change, because there are many unfortunate things that happened in the past and that would undoubtedly be much better if they had never happened.

If I could travel to the past I would go to different countries and different times, maybe I would go to important moments for culture and fashion, like times when everyone wore hats, or when they wore long and sophisticated outfits, or in the eighties and pop fashion, but never at 2000 because the clothes there were horrible.


  1. Im afraid too that our life will become a 'Black Mirror' episode. Technology has become such an important area in our lives. Technological development has become the cornerstone of our civilization and life.

    I don't like the idea that every connection with someone else we will make in the future, it will happen through a screen or a device.


  2. Yes! The future scary me, because we don’t know how could be, but we can make us an idea watching Black Mirror.

  3. There are many old movies that show how they imagine our present. And it´s so funny the differents that they are. I think that the future it´s very impredictible but also not so distant.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA I kill your final phrase. I'm just doing a short set in the year 2000.

  5. Thinking about the future is really scary. Black mirror gave us and idea of what it could be, and in my opinion it's terrifying. In forty years can happen a lot of things!


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